
TCRJ offers a combination of context-oriented services to governments, NGOs and civil society, domestically and internationally that can be provided in English, Spanish, French and Italian:

  • Training: We provide training, workshops and technical support on Restorative Justice, Conflict Transformation and Mediation
  • Conferences and academic courses: TCRJ offers key-note speeches, conference presentations, academic classes and lectures on the theory and applications of Restorative Justice and the role and importance of Alternative Dispute Resolution processes.
  • Advice to governments/juvenile justice: TCRJ can provide technical assistance to governments on alternative procedures to conflicts within and outside the court proceedings to strengthen the rule of law, combat corruption and organized crime, and strengthen civil society participation and access to justice.  Special expertise in restorative processes in juvenile justice and with youth at risk.
  • Mediations: TCRJ offers facilitated mediations between parts in conflict, in court settings, at inter-personal level and in communities.
  • Conflict Coaching to individuals in need to address and prevent conflicts in their settings, or prepare for a conflict conversation, or improve their competency in addressing conflicts.
  • Restorative Conferences: TCRJ provides facilitations of conferences between victims, offenders and community members affected by crime aimed at repairing the harm caused and finding measures to prevent recurrence of crime and violence.
  • Dialogues and Circle Facilitations: TCRJ provides these types of nonviolent applications to conflict to address community needs and difficult issues (i.e.: domestic and gender violence, gang issues, race and power issues, issues of mistrust between police and community members…).
  • Restorative alternative approaches to disciplinary measures in schools.
  • Workshops on Nonviolent Strategies for Change: TCRJ can help groups and communities develop concrete, strategic plans to reduce violence and build just and peaceful structures and relationships.
  • Consulting services on Congregational Conflicts: TCRJ provides consultations and assistance to address specific problems faced by faith communities.
  • Coordination of International Initiatives Study Tour to Italy for international cooperation on strengthening the rule of law. TCRJ can facilitate meetings and dialogues with Italian government officials and civil society organizations with the goal of creating an international network of collaboration to combat organized crime.


TCRJ services are based on a systemic approach that provides a comprehensive framework to analyze, address, transform and prevent conflict in its personal, interpersonal and structural dimensions. In recognition of the multiple dimensions of conflict, TCRJ offers multiple services designed to facilitate the participation and involvement of different actors and sectors of society in a collective effort to build restorative relationships and structures. TCRJ services promote justice as a process that seeks healing and reparation for individuals and communities, as a socially shared responsibility.

Strongly rooted in the principle that the starting point for any type of change depends on the context and not on abstract techniques, TCRJ services are adapted to the local culture. Consequently, TCRJ training and seminars use the experiential learning method that facilitates learning as a collective process where trainees learn from each other’s experiences and worldviews.


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